Saturday, April 10, 2010

Second Anniversaries of the Heart

Long time, no post.  I have not been very good with posting.  My excuse is that it has been very windy here and has prohibited me from taking pictures outdoors.  Watching my stitching blow across the yard causes my heart to go into overdrive!!!  I have tried using my camera with the flash, but if yellows the needlework.  Not very pretty.  I ended up taking this picture in my bathroom where my only westward facing window is located.  I finally finished up the second Anniversaries of the Heart  piece called "Valentine Rose."

Blackbird Designs
"Anniversaries of the Heart"
36 ct. Abecedarian R & R Reproductions Fabric

When I was doing my Friday Hoffman check on the web yesterday, I saw the third installment of "Anniversaries of the Heart" is now available.  I can't wait until my local LNS gets it in!

Yesterday in the mailbox, I received my first two blocks of "The Civil War Bride" BOM (Block of the Month for you non-quilters) from Common Threads Quilting.

Civil War Bride Quilt

They did an excellent job of labeling each fabric with a number that corresponds to the same number on the applique pattern.  My past BOM's have not been labeled this way.  Usually, I have to look at the photograph of the block to determine where each fabric goes.  Sometimes this can be a problem if there are similar fabrics in a block that are hard to tell apart in the photograph.

Tonight, I am off to finish organizing my stitching room.  Let's hope I get 'er done!!!